
Thursday, October 14, 2010


ok, pe tu enolates?? die perlu ade alpha H sblh carbonyl tu..
ade 9 kot rxn..

1) aldol condensation ( ald + ald, ket + ket, ald + ket )

- jdi enolate gune NaOEt/EtOH and PhC=OH then pas dh attach, react with H30+ then buang H20

2) perkin reaction ( aromatic ald with acid anhydride )

- acetic anyhy react with NaOC=OCH3 to form enolate then attack C of ald, then buang H2O then react with H3O+

3) dieckmann condensation ( intra rxn :: 6 -> 5, 7 -> 6 )

- jd enolate gune NaOEt/EtOH, then jd cyclic n buang OEt and ade =

4) knoevenagel condensation ( ald/ket with malonic ester )

- malonic react with pyridine to form enolate then react with ald/ket, then jd = after buang H2O, then react with aq NaOH n buang CO2

5) stobe condensation ( ketone with diesters )

- diester react with NaOEt/EtOH to form enolate then attack C of ketone, jdi cyclic, buang OEt n then i dont understand

6) claisen condensation ( B-keto ester )

- ester react with NaOEt/EtOH to form enolate then attack C of ket, then buang OEt n ade =

7) michael addition ( alpha beta unsaturated --- dont do concerted rxn )

- jd enolate then attack beta C then C jd -ve, then react with H3O+

8) mannich reaction ( imine )

- x phm

9) stork enamine ( form enamine )

- amine attack C carbonyl then x phm



Yatt NotY said...

giller terer emi..hahhha

a.m.y ^_^ said...

hahaha tgk nota kot..