
Saturday, May 19, 2012

samsung galaxy...

salam.. hyep!! we meet again.. hehe during my absent from the blogging world, a lot has happen..

baru wat post dh dpt kje kat kilang makanan kn kn kn.. unfortunately 9 mei 2012, minggu lepas, kilang tersebut telah pn terbakar.. punca masih dalam siasatan.. n because of that fire, i lost my personal belonging including my galaxy y yang bru dibeli x smpai 2 bulan.. `sigh`

not only that, wallet pn hangusss.. so terpaksalah g JPN wat ic baru.. then g jpj renew driving license, g umobile centre utk stop tutup line.. sedey sgt.. yg paling ralat sbb hp x dpt diselamatkan.. huaaaaa walaupn hp tu xdela mahal mane, tp its my first smartphone, bought using my salary money.. =(

tp alhamdulillah kejadian tu xde kemalangan jiwa.. cume kilang 100% hancuss.. for the time being, we all kje kat uma bos to try n gather back all the document yang telah terbakar.. sbb kjadian ni, byk tmpt yg x pnh trpikir nk g, dpat g..

example, dpt g jabatan bomba n penyelamat kat larkin tu.. beri statement pd bhagian forensik.. then g jabatan kastam diraja atas urusan pejabat.. etc etc etc

dr td i was googling and ooo-ing and aaa-ing smartphone2 yg ade kat pasaran sekarang.. smbil berfikir2 bajet bape.. nk bli yg cnggih tros ke bli yg bese2 je.. tp not now.. kewangan msh x stabil.. pakai jela ape yg ade dulu.. 

bnd dh jdi.. ( ayat nk sdpkan ati sndri ) huuu k la.. thats all for now blog.. daa

p/s :: die kua tulisan bese ke tulisan fancy ek kat post ni..


Rin Saharina said...

eh,sma la fon kita.rin pun gna samsung y.

ctkah samsudin said...

im also searching for the smartphone... hehehe.. tp bru je bli tab.. cmner nie..nk dua2...huhu

a.m.y ^_^ said...

saharina : comel je kan galaxy y.. function pn ok..

tkah : huh pakai tab gak mcm evin?? bpe rm beli? jeles niiiii