
Saturday, July 7, 2012


salam.. hyep blog.. arini punye jadual memang padat.. dari pg smpai petang x melekat kat rumah.. hehe actually, supposedly la, balik muo mlm td ngn ayah.. but then ayah je balik muo sorang2 semalam.. the reason x dpt ikut?? lets flash back a little, shall we..

okeh.. my 'dearest' sister hospitalized last month sebab slipped disc.. n still undergoing fisioterapi.. nak dijadikan cerita, office die wat tournament bowling on 7 july ( which is today ).. ofismate die sume x kasi die men sebab pinggang die masih x ok.. and guess what?? my DEAREST sister dengan sewenang-wenangnye put my name as the substitute player.. x tanya pun dulu.. padahal dah plan nak balik muo on 7th july sbb ade wedding nk attend.. shhhheeeessshhh! 

so nak x nak, terpaksa la jadi player gurl.. eh salah.. player je.. bowling is seyesly the game that i suck the most ( well all sukan actually ).. hahaha im no sports person.. im the duduk-kat-uma-one-whole-day punye person.. true story~ 

okeh skip to today terus.. the bowling tournament day! dieorg prepare hadiah for top 10 ( trophy ) and best player ( male n female ) and ratu/raja longkang.. hahaha terbaik! ratu/raja longkang ade hadiah gak which is berus jamban.. betol! x tipu.. dlm ati berangan la gak nk menang sbb t leh wat cuci toilet rumah.. har3

smpai kat ampang superbowl kat leisure mall kul 10am.. ramai dh sampai tym tu.. adela dlm 20team.. setiap team ade 3 org je.. randomly cabut utk tentukan team.. n each team xleh all guys and all gurls.. mesti mix baru fair.. and advantage untuk gurl adelah dpt extra 15points for each game.. guess bape game tournament ni?? 3 game!!! never in my life men bowling smpai 3 round.. 60kali baling bola.. pfffttttttt 

look at my socks! cute x?? souvenir from korea.. bought by mr bf.. kawaii-desu!

kasut bowling die pn cantik.. kaler2

terpaksa sarung baju oren tu sebab each team ade kaler die..

heh! the cheerleader yg menjerit2 n sorak2.. pffttt

nak habiskan 3 game tu dekat 2 jam gakla.. but it was fun.. and the best thing is, xde markah kosong langsung for me! bukan xde masuk longkang.. longkang tu wajib.. cume kirenye every turn tu ade skor.. even 1 pin.. keh3 satu pencapaian yang amat mengkagumkan.. clap2 please.. teehee walaupun xde strike or spare, but at least adela sumbangkan point utk team.. harapan utk menang mmg tinggal harapan.. team lain sume hebat2.. 

pas penyampaian hadiah and all, gerakla balik.. but me n my sister when to her friends house for lunch.. ayah kawan kakak pass away jumaat lepas.. al-fatihah.. kawan baik kakak sejak sekolah.. after that, we went home..

pas asar, i went out with mr bf.. die baru habis keje.. sian die penat wat 2 keje part-time.. dhla supervisor die lari balik negara asal cmtu je.. cepat2 setelkan master ea.. chayok2! td just teman die makan je.. we went to IT ROO cafe kat jalan dhoby.. saje nk try.. even a bit expensive la.. 


yelaaa.. die sorang je ade smartphone.. mine dh terbakar.. -____-

its me!

grilled chicken chop mushroom sauce.. so-so je rase die.. the best grilled chicken chop i tried is at bbu.. seyes sedap n sgt ramai org..

odw back.. dah mule gelap, tanda nk hujan..

sampai rumah, tgk ayah dah balik dari muo and bwak mee halus maktok masak.. tumpang makan lagi.. these past week duduk uma, mulut mengunyah 24/7.. jajan berlambak beli kat jom heboh.. makan jeeeeeee keje.. 

aaaaa almost forgot.. my date with my bestest best friend.. asyik postpone je.. need to desperately meet up with her ASAP! banyak nk story.. =)

ok la.. thats all for now.. quite long entry kali ni.. my mojo-jojo for blogging is back! hahaha jgn percaye.. celam celum update.. but i still love u my blog.. dun worry.. till then..


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