
Monday, July 16, 2012

i really wanna go.. chaebal....!

salam.. hyep blog.. past few days, it is always raining.. and when its not, it is super duper hot.. seyesly.. okeh straight to the point.. i really really wanna go to korea.. one of my wishlist.. betul2 nak g.. its so pwetty there.. well ni sume influence korean drama n kpop.. but mostly sbb tgk running man.. running man, y u no come to malaysia?? huhu 

now airasia nga ade biggest sale la katenye.. and true, it is quite ok the price.. for a roundtrip flight rm700 ok x??? huhu booking until 22july kot.. travel from jan2013 to may2013.. ni yg leceh siket sbb next year.. by that time, mesti ade change of plans or something.. nway been thinking nak amek pakej terus ke pe.. ade satu pakej ni all in ( except luggage check in n meal on flight ).. tiket flight and accomodation sume dah termasuk.. per pax rm2000.. ok kan?? but tadi i called the travel agency tp it doesnt cater for halal/muslim food. they can only provide pork-free food.. but still kat korea byk seafood and sayur je kan.. 

kakak cakap pasal korea, its up to me.. i setel everything.. huaaaa pasal g sarawak je refer pde die.. td tgk ade tiket g balik rm158 per pax.. mahal gak tu.. sbb ade yg pnh dpt less than rm100 for two-way flight.. i seyesly need a vacation/getaway skg ni.. penat dah survey.. duk on9 and google mencari the best affirdable pakej and musim pe paling bes g.. suppose to be tym autumm which is end of this year.. huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

kalau nak ikutkan, tym kat utm dulu, byk je program GOP.. if not, i would have been to japan and beijing.. tp disebabkan sebab tertentu, have to let go the chance.. but at least penah la gak g oversea kan.. huhu

k la.. nak continue google pasal korea.. =p

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