
Sunday, January 16, 2011

USS again..!

salam.. hyep! im back from spore! hehe sgt byk bnd berlaku smlm spnjg ari.. k plan asal mr bf btau dieorg nk grak 8.30 am.. i was like syesly?? to me its so late.. the 1st time i went there with my sis n her frnds, kul 7.30 dh odw g spore dh.. then change of plans ckp 7.30 am.. fine with me.. mlm b4 bertolak tu, there was a trial n error for the clothes that im gonna wear.. hehe tukar2 bju, sua, shawl segala.. hehe mmg plan nk pkai bju petak2 ngn mr bf cume xdpt kaler sme sbb die ckp purple xd saiz tym tu.. em xplah, jnji petak2..

pd hari kjadian, dh siap2 dh awl.. 7.30 gtu i went to mr bf's blok.. kete tngal ctu, tumpang kete kwn die, syafiq.. isi kad putih jap n tngu kwn die, kul 7.50am g blok classmate die yg gurls plak.. emm x siap g.. mmg dh bajet la yg x mungkn 7.30 akn gerak.. well u know jnji mlyu kn.. then ade berlaku mcm krisis gak la sbb ade lgi satu grup lmbt siap.. las2 kul 8.40 gtu grak.. snggah stesn myk lgi.. kul 9.30 am bru smpai stesn bas kat kotarye tu.. i dont know their plan, so just follow je.. mls nk ckp byk2 coz im da outsider kn.. rupenye dieorg nk nek bas dr ctu g imigresn.. ok follow je.. rm5 utk smpai ke uss.. orait sgt2 hrge.. sve sket utk trnsportation.. then bru je bas gerak, another insiden.. tket USS tertnggl dlm salah satu kete yg g td ( kete tu dh odw blik ke utm dh )..

dh smpai imigresen, most of us dh setelkn pasport sume n tngu dlm bas.. btau kat pakcik bas yg ade lgi 5 org x nek g.. patutnye x leh tngu tp packcik bas yg baek tu pn tngu.. tp dlm mse tu, passenger len rmai yg x puas ati n some even marah2 in their own language.. tp las2 slmat gak sume dpt nek bus yg sme ke woodlnds.. then stop kat sne utk imigresn spore plak.. nek bus yg sme smula ( tket bas kna smpn ).. but this tym, another grup tertnggal bas.. tp bus ni x tngu dh.. troskn pjlnn smpai ke USS.. smpai lebh kurng kul 12 tgh ari gak la.. my previous tym going there, kul 10 am dh msuk USS dh.. tp xpla, i jus follow.. but msuk USS nye kul 1 gtu sbb tngu the other grup smpai.. smntra tngu tu g la pusing2 kwsn sentosa tu.. its a good thing coz aritu xde plak g smpai yg ade patung singa tu.. camwhoring la jap..

pastu msuk USS n men la sume games yg ade.. lunch gak.. tp mhal sket la kali ni.. huhu

ni gmbr ats rollercoater tau! =)
mr bf's ( besar gler aym die! )

them.. ( 2nd tym nek )

pastu tym nek rollercoater yg mummy tu, me dh siap2 posing wat peace tym nk dkat kmera die.. hahaha coz i already know katne position kmera tu..

rollercoaster mummy.. 2x je nek kali ni..

shrek 4d
bes2.. hehe

tp kn, kali ni kn, sgt byk games yg dieorg x rse.. mcm rapids adventure, water world (live show fightng2 yg bes), donkey live, pantages hollywood theater ( ade musical yg bes tp agak seksayyy.. hehe ), stage 28.. tp xpe, i follow.. this tym ade bli sovenir! magc potion bottle! yg g b4 dis mmg ingt nk bli tp x jd.. i love it! pastu kn, kitorng ade tjmpa celeb! plakon indonesia.. ala yg jd ibu arini dlm cte mutiara hati tu.. haaa die la.. smpat gk bergmbr tp gmbr tu dlm kmera classmate mr bf.. pastu nk blik, nek mrt plak.. smpt tertdo.. hee smpai mlysia kul 11.30pm n g snggah slalu mam.. i ate beef burger.. ingt xleh hbs, tp hbs gak.. bru la pasn yg i was hungry.. ngeh3

all in all, i had fun! mestilah kn.. yg ups n downs tu la yg tmbah keseronokn nye.. ye dok?? bru advnture org kate.. yg rollercoaster battlstar tu lum bukk g.. tnye org keje kat ctu die ckp bln 3 t kot.. sgt besar..! yg g spore smlm dlm 15 org x slah.. bes gak dgr dieorg borak2, gelak2, happening2..

k la.. ckp la kot kali ni..



Mohd. Hilmi Bin Sahini said...

sorry laa x dpt nk enjoy sume benda kt uss tuu...

a.m.y ^_^ said...

hehe xde pape la..